Customize your racer back

Customize your racer back 

Racer backs are a cool and edgy twist on the traditional tank top. It’s a great look for working out, or for hanging out on a hot day. SpectraUSA’s Racer Back Tank features thin straps and is made of 100% cotton, so the fabric is super comfortable and breathable. While the blank shirt is a classic look, there are tons of ways that you can spice up your tank, making it all your own. Here are a few ways you can customize your racer back tank tops:

Customize your racer back 

Cut Out Designs

All you really need to give your tank a little edge is a pair of scissors! Plan out a design on the front of your shirt (a heart or your initial is always a good choice). Cut out small sections of the shirt to achieve your design and you’re ready to wear! This is a great look worn over a sports bra for when you hit the gym. You can also use this method to cut out sections on the side of your shirt, making for a cool design down your side.

Braided back

This is a great way to add some flair to your tank top. This project just requires some scissors and the ability to braid.

First, cut the racer back at the very top, where it splits in two. Then cut the strap into 3 sections and braid them all together. When you are getting to the end of the braid, start to incorporate the strip of fabric where you made your first cut, reconnecting the top and bottom of your tank top.

Crop top

Crop tops are back in fashion, and a great thing to wear while sweating it out in a workout class. This project is simple. First, cut the bottom of your racer back about 2 inches below where you want your crop to hit. On the backside of your tank, cut a 2 inch slit up the middle. Then, cutting horizontally, cut out two strips of fabric that will remain attached at the side of the tank. Put on your crop top and tie the strips together to secure it in place. Enjoy your workout!

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