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Hoodie Season

Hoodie Season

Hoodie Season Summer may seem endless, but the leaves will begin to change hues before you can carve your pumpkin.

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Fashion Profile: Fishworks

I’ll stop short of calling him Ishmael. Lawrance ”Squig” Quigley is not a character from Herman Melville’s Moby Dick. But he could be. Easily. Standing tall with that beard of his, those razor sharp hazel eyes and a ferocious, ever-present intensity which hums about him constantly, I wonder if he is a benign Ahab, or a punk-rock Ishmael. With an eye patch Squig would be a dead ringer for the late Jack O’Neill. He is bearded like a muscle, tanned like familiar, comfortable old leather, he is taught, ready and aware, a big old Barracuda of a man. The picture is so complete that I catch myself trying to look up the back of his neck, behind the ear, to see if he has barnacles there. Squig is a long-standing member of the informal Admiralty around Dana Point and of the more than just ”Highly Regarded” apparel brand, Fishworks. He has been a waterman since before most of us were chewing crayons and his salty predisposition is unquestionably the driving force in his life. You need to understand that the brand name ”Fishworks” is not just another apparel label from the West coast, it is unequivocally the best possible characterization of a man who is most likely 3 parts fish himself, and who is probably keeping a secret set of gills stashed away beneath that luxurious beard of his. Lawrance Quigley is a force of nature, like a high tide, or the migration of whales, and the gear he’s building at Fishworks is just like him: Tough, proud, almost eternal, functional and just deadly cool enough. Welcome to Fishworks ye landlubbers!

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The Legend of Baron Raglan

Have you thanked your lucky starts for Field Marshal FitzRoy James Henry Somerset, the First Baron Raglan today? If you haven’t you probably should. Just stop whatever you are doing and take a moment, possibly even a knee if you feel it necessary. The debt of gratitude you owe him is enormous, the moment you take should be solemn yet joyous, for Baron Raglan helped invent your favorite fall garment-the Raglan. You know, the thing you wear under your shirt in baseball that your girlfriend keeps stealing? Yeah, that’s the one.

The legend of the First Baron Raglan is not the kind of thing you can make up. No really, it’s that weird. After some moderate early military successes he Joined The Duke of Wellington’s staff and distinguished himself in a number of the Duke’s campaigns from the siege of Burgos to the giddy Battle of Toulouse. Whilst serving on Wellington’s staff during the famous Battle of Waterloo he had to have his right arm amputated and immediately demanded to have it back.

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